BORO denim トートバッグ B240002

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¥40,700 JPY
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¥40,700 JPY
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通勤・通学などのデイリーから、ちょっとしたお出かけにも使える、キレイめカジュアルなトートバッグLのBORO denim版。
BORO denim生地は使用していく中で表面の糸がほつれたり切れたりすることで独特な風合いを見せるデニム素材です。


サイズ:縦36cm×横55cm×マチ16cm 持ち手約50cm
素材:綿100% 一部牛革

Size & material


通勤・通学などのデイリーから、ちょっとしたお出かけにも使える、キレイめカジュアルなトートバッグLのBORO denim版。
BORO denim生地は使用していく中で表面の糸がほつれたり切れたりすることで独特な風合いを見せるデニム素材です。


サイズ:縦36cm×横55cm×マチ16cm 持ち手約50cm
素材:綿100% 一部牛革

Size & material

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WAZAVI COLLECTION that makes people happy

The Bingo region in eastern Hiroshima Prefecture is known as one of Japan's leading denim producing areas. It is a textile town where top-class engineers gather, and whose quality is recognized around the world. We bring together traditional techniques such as weaving, washing, and sewing that have been cultivated in the area since ancient times, and we aim to convey the current state of Japanese handicrafts to a wide range of people through our familiar presence. The creation of something has begun.
The brand icon "ICHIMATSU" is an authentic and original series that combines denim fabric with a jacquard weave that expresses a checkered pattern, colorful leather and canvas from Fukuyama. We carefully create each and every product that makes your daily life more comfortable and enjoyable and makes the person who owns it happy.
The Bingo region in eastern Hiroshima Prefecture is known as one of Japan's leading denim producing areas. It is a textile town where top-class engineers gather, and whose quality is recognized around the world. We bring together traditional techniques such as weaving, washing, and sewing that have been cultivated in the area since ancient times, and we aim to convey the current state of Japanese handicrafts to a wide range of people through our familiar presence. The creation of something has begun.
The brand icon "ICHIMATSU" is an authentic and original series that combines denim fabric with a jacquard weave that expresses a checkered pattern, colorful leather and canvas from Fukuyama. We carefully create each and every product that makes your daily life more comfortable and enjoyable and makes the person who owns it happy.

WAZAVI COLLECTION that makes people happy

The Bingo region in eastern Hiroshima Prefecture is known as one of Japan's leading denim producing areas. It is a textile town where top-class engineers gather, and whose quality is recognized around the world. We bring together traditional techniques such as weaving, washing, and sewing that have been cultivated in the area since ancient times, and we aim to convey the current state of Japanese ...
The brand icon "ICHIMATSU" is an authentic and original series that combines denim fabric with a jacquard weave that expresses a checkered pattern, colorful leather and canvas from Fukuyama. We carefully create each and every product that makes your daily life more comfortable and enjoyable and makes the person who owns it happy.

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